Monday, April 11, 2011

poem a day keeps the blues away

I believe in the power of literature. I guess that goes without saying...I am investing heavily in my literary education. As a being on this planet, I believe that to share stories is necessary to our emotional growth and balance. Writing is a very powerful form of expression, especially poetry.
From this blog on, I will include a poem in each post. The poem hopefully will coincide with the topic of the blog-post but can be arbitrary.
Today I have been thinking of a poem I fell in love with as I was graduating college. I think it spoke to a time in my life where everything was alternating drastically but one thing was unchanging: my passion for knowledge. I think it is beautiful and I hope you enjoy it.

KNOWLEDGE: by Louise Bogan
Now that I know
How passion warms little
Of flesh in the mould,
And treasure is brittle,--

I’ll lie here and learn
How, over their ground,
Trees make a long shadow
And  a light sound

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